Montville Condo Qingjian Realty Singapore

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After evaluating the recent bid from Qingjian Realty, we can say, the firm is planning to do some big work in the Singapore. The firm secured the Shunfu Ville en-bloc land in the Marymount area, and this firm outbid other bidders with a whopping S$301.16 million amount. If we divide the amount on per square foot plot ratio, then it comes to S$634.57. This amount was 8.3 percent higher compared to next highest bid that was S$277.98 million. The second highest bid came from Allgreen properties along with 9 other bidders.

Montville Condo Qingjian Realty Singapore

This higher bid explains the sincerity of Qingjian Realty Montville Condo for this commercial and residential site that is located in the Bukit Batok West area. This property drew 11 bids that is definitely a strong response from the participants or developers. For this higher interest, most of the property consultant gives the credit …